Personal Interest/Inspiration: Anonymity
I have always found the concept of anonymity to be interesting, the condition of being anonymous gives this notion of impersonality. Being anonymous often creates a feeling of protection from direct judgment, allowing an individual to preform stunts and actions with an immunity to social humility. A prime example mascot costumes, this is rather popular in american sports where the mascot of a specific team would dance, showboat and attempt to haze the opposing team.
The antics of the mascots in american sports have always been a personal favourite, the sport itself, not so much.
Anonymity has also been applied to mascots of beloved characters in places like Japan, rilakkuma for instance.
Anonymity in Art and Design
Anonymity is a popular approach in art and design, anonymous art can be powerful, it leaves the viewers wondering about the artist. Take Banksy, the England based graffiti artist for example, they're a political activist and film director of unverified identity who's work has left and still does leave an impactful message. In fact many street artists use anonymity to accentuate their message.
My opinion of this is that It's not about what the artist/designer looks like but rather what they are capable of producing, be that art, message or movement.
Online we use aliases to conceal our identity, and at times there are people who guise themselves with helmets and masks to enshroud themselves from photographic media. Additionally it can add an effect of imposition.
Anonymity is something that I've always wanted to incorporate into my work. with my self negotiated project, anonymity is one of the features I intend on integrating with the photography aspect of the project, people who will be modeling my products will be wearing themed helmets and masks to hide their appearance.
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