Rob Lycett Creative Suite 5: Cinema 4D With Stephan Hibbert
Maxon Cinema4D Due to Rob Lycett's absence, the final creative suite of this year will be tutored by Stephen Hibbert. This workshop will be exploring the programme Maxon Cinema4D, the files provided contain a task sheet which explains that Cinema4D lies at the intersection between 2D and 3D digital asset generation. It's industry leading toolset allows for the production of high-fidelity static and motion based work. Its capability can be applied to almost any creative brief and its rendered output options reach across the entire spectrum of digital media - from posters to packaging, and from movie e ects to full 3D animation and even VR. Initially we will be looking at the various palettes and manager panels before going through a number of small experiments aimed at familiarising ourselves with a 3D computer graphic workflow. As a class of graphic design students, we will be tasked with generating a 3D Logo or name in Cinema4D, b...